Malaita Women leaders and mothers in Auki, Malaita Province have expressed their sincere heartfelt sympathies and condolences to those who have lost their loved ones and the destruction of their properties during the past three to four days of the social unrest in Honiara.
As such in a statement they called on all Malaita leaders to cooperate to find lasting solutions to the current tense situation that Honiara and the rest of the country is experiencing.
In their meeting on Monday 29th November 2020, at the Malaita Provincial Council of Women headquarters in Auki, the Malaita women leaders and mothers expressed in the strongest terms their displeasure at the recent happening in Honiara.
They want everyone in the country. to know – women, youths, children, churches, business houses, civilians’, students, schools, public servants, victims, and survivors; that they do not in any way support the acts that happened in the past days in Honiara.
“We condemn every unlawful activity that occurred which have resulted in the unfortunate and disastrous situation that are now experienced,” the Malaitan women leaders and mothers said.
During their meeting in Auki, they agreed on a set of actions that they would like to present to Malaitan leaders, including the Malaitan members of Parliament, traditional leaders and every other Malaitan’s in the province and in Honiara, to abide by and obey.
First and foremost, they are calling for a peaceful dialogue to be held between the Malaitan MPs and the people of Malaita to agree on positive solutions to the current situation in Honiara which is affecting the rest of the country.
Secondly, all Malaita people must refrain from all illegal and criminal activities in Honiara City.
Thirdly, all Malaitans must respect and honour people of the other provinces of the country as well as the different ethnic groups in Honiara.
“Finally, as mothers of Malaita we call on our young people and children to humble themselves in any situation especially those that may result in violence and threaten people’s safety, lives and the destruction of properties.
“Humility is the key virtue to all contentious circumstances,” the mothers stated.
Their call is timely and coincides with the first week of the 16 days of activism on violence against women 2021 with the fitting theme;
“Safety in our families, leads to peace in our Nation”.
Those who attended the meeting included;
- MPCW President – Ms Martha Rurai
- Caucus President – Ms Rose Rarangia
- Ward 1 President – Ms Faye Mercy Saemala
- Church Rep – Ms Annie Mata
- Outstanding Woman of Malaita – Mrs. Rose Liata
- Safe Families Officer- Mrs. Rebecca Awa Ofai