THE National Malaitans Fundraising Committee-in aide of the proposed Malaita Provincial Assembly Chamber building project have raised more than $45,000 during the celebration of the Malaita Second Appointed day at National Art Gallery on Monday.
The total amount raised includes pledges but excluding donation in kind.
“It was a blessed day for Malaitans here in Honiara who attended the event where people give freely from their hearts towards the provincial initiative,” organizing committee vice chairman Redley Raramo said.
“Indeed it was a moving program,” he added.
“The overwhelming support shown was really encouraging as Malaitans and some friends of Malaita came forward to support the fundraising efforts and gave their ‘Tributes’.
“Therefore, I would like to sincerely thank all the Malaitans and Friends of Malaita who came and support the cause on Monday.
“You have truly demonstrated that you have the heart of a Malaitan person.
“Also, I’m indebted to thank the cultural groups from Sikaiana, Lord Howe and North Malaita, string bands and secular groups for their fabulous performances.
“Moreover the religious choir groups and bands that inspired the program. Thank you for giving freely for Malaita. It was indeed a great day for all of us,” Mr Raramo said
He said the giving is not yet over for other Malaitans who would like to support the cause.
“Let me say that the fundraising drive is on-going.
“With some more programs in the pipeline, it will be your opportunity to donate towards this worthy initiative – the building of the proposed Malaita Provincial Assembly chamber.
“An upcoming event is in the planning to host a ‘corporate dinner’ and as such we are appealing to Honiara Malaitans, Malaita business people and other interested organization to support this drive.”