The Malaysian Durian tree is starting to gain popularity amongst rural farmers in Malaita province.
Information reaching Solomon Star Auki said that Local Durian tree growers in West Kwara’ae have silently benefitted from the sale of durian fruits to Asian loggers in the province.
Local Durian tree growers at Dioro near Dala research Centre in West Kwara’ae have admitted benefiting from the sale of the fruit.
The information stated that local durian growers normally sell at $80 to $100 per fruit to the Asians.
“These locals have really benefited from the durian trees they have planted close to their homes.”
Solomon star understands that only a few places in Malaita grow the Malaysian originated durian tree.
With durians growing popularity, Dala and surrounding communities in West Kwara’ae in Malaita have been reported to engage in farming the tree.
A popular Malaita youth advocator and Agriculture mentor Philip Subu and his team have recently visited a local durian grower in Dala.
His visit is purposely to encourage youths to go into farming.
He met up with a youth at Dala who introduced him to the fruit and its potential as a cash crop.
Mr. Subu said that the potentials of Durian are exceptional and he without delay added the fruit to the Malaita Youth Agriculture Initiative program.
“It is a highly demanded fruit in Asia and Solomon Island could use this opportunity to tap into this market. This is Malaysia and Thailand’s top export commodity.”
“Just this year, a Durian farmer from Dala, West Kwara’ae earned $30,000 from selling just one Durian tree. He sold his durian fruits for SBD$50 each in Honiara to an Asian.”
“West Kwara’ae for advancement and promotion youth leader Danny said that he has sold 80 nurseries to Western Province.”
“This will add to Kava, Noni, Taro, and other agricultural cash crops; diversifying our agricultural and economic base, and building niche markets,” Subu stated
Durian is very popular in Southeast Asia.
Auki News Bureau