AN elderly man is in critical condition after he was slashed by his son with a knife at Fiu riverside, Malaita, over the weekend.
Police reports revealed that the suspect, one of the man’s young sons who is believed to have been mentally affected from drug, is currently being held in custody awaiting full medical and psychiatric evaluation.
“The incident occurred over the weekend, where the boy was alleged to have attacked and slashed his father’s head with a bush knife,” Officer in Charge at Auki Police Fred Filia said.
“The suspect is in custody and will go through a full medical and psychiatric evaluation to determine if he is indeed mentally affected that is why he attacked his father or not.
“After the evaluations are made, then we will formally lay charges.
“At this stage investigations into the matter are continuing,” Mr Filia said.
He also added that the father is still in critical condition at the Kilu’ufi General Hospital after the attack.
Police meanwhile appealed to all parents, chiefs, church and community elders to look at tougher means of discouraging youths from involving in drug and alcohol abuse.
in Auki