A MAN who swore at the Prime Minister (PM) in June has been fined $800 on Monday in the Honiara Magistrates’ Court.
George Dele, 21, was sentenced after pleading guilty to one count of using abusive words.
The incident happened between 2.30 am and 3 am on June 5 at the Lunnga main road, East Honiara.
Dele was sitting with other men in the back trailer of a Hilux that was travelling towards Honiara.
Upon reaching the Prime Minister’s residence, Dele shouted abusive words targeting the prime minister.
Police officers manning the PM’s residence at that time who heard the accused went after the Hilux.
They halted the Hilux at the Kastom Gaden area.
After Dele confirmed he was the one who said those abusive words, police escorted him to the Henderson Police Station where he was charged.
He was bailed to appear in court on 22 June but he, however, failed to turn up on that day.
A warrant of arrest was then issued for him and he was arrested over the weekend.
He was brought to court on Monday afternoon where he was dealt with.
Magistrate Emily Zazariko Vagibule imposed a fine of $800 in default of 40 days imprisonment.
Dele has until this Friday to pay up his fine.
Failure to pay the fine will result in a 40-day imprisonment.
Dele represented himself in court while Police Prosecutor Elson Konle appeared for the Crown.
Honiara, Newsroom