Kia, Hograno and Havulei MP Jeremiah Manele says he is humbled by his nomination as the Solomon Islands People’s Democratic Coalition candidate for the Prime Minister’s position.
Manele, a former diplomat and permanent secretary for almost 10 years, said he was also appreciative in the manner in which his nomination was made.
Manele’s candidature was reached in a consensus by the members of SIPDC, Friday.
“I wish to thank the members of the coalition for the support and trust they have shown in me,” he said.
He on behalf of the people his constituency and the people of Isabel also thanked members of the coalition for giving Isabel the opportunity to contest the prime minister’s position next week.
Manele said this is a chance for Isabel to take leadership of our country and he believes that others will appreciate this opportunity.
He added he is determined to lead the country if he were given the opportunity.
And he urged all Solomon Islanders, stakeholders and the development partners to participate as they are all important stakeholders.
“I am confident with the support of all parties and collectively we can work to address the development challenges together,” he said.
Leaders of the coalition parties from Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement (SIPRA), Democratic Alliance Party and Peoples First Party all welcomed, and spoke highly of Manele for agreeing to take up the challenge.
Manele said that one of the major challenges that must be addressed is to ensure that Solomon Islands graduates from its LDC status to developing country standing in the coming years.
He said SIDPC’s 2050 Vision is a key strategy to achieving that and many other developing goals that the country wants to achieve in the future.