Member of Parliament (MP) for East Are’Are Andrew Manepora’a has praised the Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) government for its commitment to allocate SBD$1, 41.3 million out of its SBD $4.18 billion budget for this year’s development budget.
Speaking in parliament, Manepora’a described the move as a major step forward because in the past development budgets only has a small portion.
He said more than half of this development budget of $1, 41.3million is financed from domestic sources, which is good compared to previous years where the country depend so much on the donor partners to fund the development programs.
“I’m very happy with the 2015 budget and the questions raised by other former speakers as to whether the budget is responsible or whether it will deliver, whether it will fight corruption or not? I would say yes, the budget itself has answers to all these questions,” Manepra’a stated.