Nazareth Apostolic Centre Pre-Seminary students, Archdiocesan workers Family and surrounding Catholic Communities celebrated the feast of Mary Queen of Peace day on July 9th at Nazareth Apostolic Centre Tenaru.
It was specially chosen by Fr. Jim Nolan that Mary Queen of Peace is the patron of Nazareth Apostolic Centre Tenaru.
Celebration of the Holy Eucharist started at 9:00am by Archbishop Adrian T Smith assisted by Frs. Clement Tavoruka (Director of NAC Tenaru) and Jim Nolan Spiritual director of Pre-seminary program at Nazareth Apostolic Centre Tenaru.
Archbishop Adrian Thomas Smith sm drove to NAC Tenaru to celebrate the feast day. He challenged the students to put away liquor and be a good priest in the future. Because as long you take liquor and started fighting, then you are not following Mary as queen of peace.
Mary is truly the Mother of Christ the Prince of Peace, Mary is truly the Queen of Peace. Her son Jesus Christ is truly a prince of peace. Asked her in times of trouble and she in her love for us will surely ask her son Jesus Christ prince of peace who will surely help us.
The Archbishop challenged families about high rising of domestic violence in this country, Solomon Islands. So many Daddies comes home drunk, kicked or trucking and punching the mummies in the house after misusing the family income.
To victimize the mothers with our stresses is not the answer to our problems. Pray to Mary in our Rosaries, asking her to ask her son Jesus who is the true Prince of Peace settle our worries.
A beautiful liturgy prepared by the NAC students and community of NAC Tenaru. Enculturation involved during the Entrance, Gospel procession, offertory and recessional procession to the Grotto.
Eucharistic celebration ended up with recessional dance to the Grotto of Mary.
By Joe Vidiki
Catholic Communication Solomons