PLANNING is a legally mandated responsibility of Malaita Provincial Government (MPG) in relation to any development in the province including the Bina Harbor tuna processing plant.
This statement was echoed by Premier Daniel Suidani during the signing of the historical memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Malaita Provincial Government (MPG) and the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) in Auki on Friday last week.
The premier said that the Planning Act has stipulated clearly that the provincial executive is vested with the due responsibility of devising the master plan for Bina and his government is fully aware of its obligation to this front.
“I would like to first highlight the issue of planning which is part of the lawful mandate of the province in relation to development including the Bina Harbor Project,” he said.
“I am glad that the MPG has recognized this and has already passed a resolution for the planning of the greater Auki area in a recent executive meeting,” he added.
“The master plan is a 30 years program document preparing Malaita for 2050 and for any massive climate change that may come about during this period and beyond.”
According to Premier Suidani, the 30 years planning recognized four key areas including climate change and displacement of people, food security and jobs for social stability and other associated and related issues that need sound and advance planning.
With that, the Premier said the current MPG recognizes proper coordination as a key component.
He added that his MARA-led government also recognizes the involvement of line ministries and state owned enterprises (SOE) as a way forward for the Bina Harbor project.
“The issue of planning is critical to ensure development in Bina takes place in an organized and coordinated manner,” he said.
In Auki