A NEW Men’s Fellowship Hall at Verahue Community of West Guadalcanal was officially opened last Sunday, Solomon Star Stringer John Toki confirmed after attending the programme.
Toki revealed that the opening of the Men’s Fellowship Hall is a milestone achievement of the community since they had been longing for the completion of the centre for quite some time.
He said with the hall, the men of Verahue Community now have a venue wholly dedicated for the convening of their fellowship programmes and other gatherings.
Chief Doko Billy of Verahue thanked the Lee Kwok Kuen Company for supporting the community to build the Men’s Fellowship Hall.
Toki relayed that the chief was thankful by reiterating that the new building would enable men of Verahue to get together for important meetings, particularly religious events that will strengthen their work in the community.
Chief Billy added that through support of all members in the community the opening of the hall has become a reality that deserves celebration by all members of the Anglican Church in West Guadalcanal.
The opening of the new Men’s Hall was marked with a religious gathering at which members of the community walked along the coast right up to the church area.
During the procession, holy water was sprinkled everywhere inside the building.
Toki further stated the event last Sunday also marked the celebration of Fathers’ Day by people of Verahue community.