Dear Editor – Allow me space to contribute to discussion on mining in West Rennell, as that the issue has become a grave concern to the people of Renbel Province, considering the views of contributors via Facebook and other media outlets that the people of Rennell is threatened their very lives due to the operation.
To acknowledge that much of the consented areas acquired for mining in West Rennell have been mined, leaving behind mere destruction to the land and pollution to the air and sea, without which there is no real development taking place in the local communities or the province as a whole.
Renbel Provincial Headquarter is the least developed station compared to other provincial capital in the Solomon Islands in terms of medical services, roads, schools, etc. and is still remain the same to this day.
Regrettably, that there is no turning back at this point in time but rather a time to start thinking about containing ourselves with what we have in hand now in order to fairly address the issue on the legal basis for compensation sake.
On one hand, it is evident that the national government is very much involved in complicating the issue one way or the other. Therefore, advisable that the Renbel provincial government and landowners of West Rennell should put their hands together in supporting the FIIS, in every possible means, to have the Government step aside so the issue be addressed by rightful authority for legal action.
Needy Taingeia
USPSI Campus