THE Minister of the Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services (MPNSCS), Anthony Veke has praised the relationship between China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) and the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) as outstanding and one that is built on transparency, accountability, trust and genuine partnership purposely for the positive betterment and growth of the RSIPF.
Minister Veke uttered the statement during a farewell ceremony hosted at the Honiara hotel this week in the presence of senior RSIPF Executive and senior staff of the MPNSCS to farewell 9 CPLT members who will be leaving the country this weekend.
Minister Veke said, “Since we have established ties with People’s Republic of China (PRC), the RSIPF have benefited greatly in capability and capacity support.”
He added “Our police-to-police cooperation between our two countries continues to grow. In fact, as our police relation continues to deepen, it is my sincere hope that new grounds to support will be explored for further cooperation.”
During the dinner, the Republic of China Ambassador, Li Ming said, “The past experience has proved that the policing cooperation between China and Solomon Islands is conducive to the security and stability of Solomon Islands and the region, and it is in the interests of the people of China and Solomon Islands which needs to be persisted for a long time.”
He said, “In the next stage, China will continue to actively promote various aid projects, carry out policing training, strengthen professional advice to continuously promote and deepen the solid policing cooperation between China and Solomon Islands.”

China Police Team Leader (CPTL), Commissioner Zhang Guangbao said, “I am glad to see that during the cooperation, the MPNCS and RSIPF Senior Executives and colleagues gave strong support to my team.”
Commissioner Zhang said, “Besides your support in training, assisting and advising, you have invited my team to work at Rove police headquarters as a close partner. Since then, my team has a new home in Solomon Islands which is at Rove police headquarters.
RSIPF Commissioner, Mostyn Mangau said, “On behalf of the ranks and file of the RSIPF, I would like to sincerely thank Commissioner Zhang and your team for the great support rendered to RSIPF to build its capacity and capability.”
Commissioner Mangau added, “Your team has provided a good number of trainings for officers of the RSIPF, providing vehicles and motorcycles, Communication equipment’s and exchange programs between the two policing partners to name a few of them. This will really help and boost the RSIPF capability and capacity development.
“I salute your team for the well-done job. For the 9 CPLT officers who will be returning home, please make Solomon Islands your second home. Come and visit us when you are on holiday. Please pass my best wishes to your families and friends back home.”
A gift presentation was also part of the farewell dinner.