THE Ministry of Communications & Aviation (MCA) is being accused of nepotism when awarding contracts to do maintenance around the Honiara International Airport vicinity.
A concerned youth group from East Honiara raised the concern after receiving reports from within the ministry that the contracts were being given to the same people over the passing years.
Speaking to the Solomon Star, the group said they are demanding fairness and transparency in the tender processes of the contracts within the ministry.
“We are concerned that the same group and companies have always won the contracts over the last two years.
“The recent information we got from insiders within the ministry is that the majority of the contractors were people who knew those working within the ministry itself,” the group said.
They added that such revelation is total deprivation of their rights as the indigenous Solomon Islanders, East Honiara residents, and unemployed youths seeking a job opportunity from the government.
The concerned youths also call on responsible authorities to explain or investigate the matter as to why these same people are being awarded the contracts.
Meanwhile, when contacted, the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary (PS) Moses Virivolomo said there are government procedures in place to deal with such concern.
Mr. Virivolomo appeared to be unhappy with how the issue is taken to the media instead of following the proper way to report the matter.
“If people have issues on how the ministry advertises or give out contracts then there are ways or procedures within the government to deal with such matters.
“The right place for them to go and raise their complaints is through the Auditor General’s Office because concerning procurements the government has auditors to deal with your concerns,” the PS said.
He added the people concerned should take the matter to the Auditor-General then they will do the investigations within the ministry and if the ministry is at fault, they will be answerable to the matter.
Whereas the complainants can even write to him, addressed to the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Communications and Aviation outlining their disagreements, and with the proper channel, he will investigate the matter.