The latest test result for COVID-19 in Solomon Islands has come back negative. This is the eleventh outstanding suspected case, with two more still pending. All eleven cases to date had been sent to Australia for testing.
Solomon Islands remains one of a very small number of countries in the world to have no confirmed cases of COVID-19 to date.
“While this news comes as a relief, the Ministry of Health reminds the public that the threat is far from over, so long as COVID-19 continues to affect the world and especially our neighboring countries in the region. The Pacific is the last frontier for COVID-free” says the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Mrs. Pauline McNeil.
The Ministry of Health continues to advocate COVID 19 preventive measures and messages and again calls on all Solomon Islands citizens to change our unhealthy practices to healthy practices. This includes maintaining social distancing of at least 1 to 2 Metres apart, avoid overcrowding, washing hands regularly with soap, coughing or sneezing into our elbow, shirt or tissue, and to avoid touching our face.
The Ministry of Health continues to appeal to the general public to avoid rumors, misleading information and speculation, but instead obtain accurate and correct information from the government. You can access updated information online at, or follow our Facebook page
The MHMS would like to acknowledge the continuous support and working together of other Government Ministries, Partners, churches, NGOs, stakeholders, and communities to ensure our country is protected from Coronavirus. Let us all join hands together to fight COVID-19.