Dear Editor – Thank you for allowing a space in your paper to express my disgust in relation to an article penned by Alfred Sasako which appeared in the Island sun newspaper.
The article was about the appointment of a new CEO for Solomon Airlines. I was very surprised to see Sasako firing the first shot at the new CEO instead of writing about the damming concerns by Airline workers under the former CEO.
The article was very obvious that it came from someone trying to protect the former CEO Ron Sumsum. Airline workers have been complaining about their welfare and working under Mr Sumsum. It was a misfire from Sasako for reasons only he himself know.
It again gives rise to an issue where newspapers have to protect their reputation.
The airline issue needs to be looked at from the inside. Airline workers need to come out strong and express themselves now. If you truly have been suffering, why keep quiet?
This SOE truly needs an overhaul starting with the board down to the CEO.
Gregory Basi