MALAITA Ma’asina Forum (MMF) has supported the move by Pan Oceanic Bank (POB) in supporting both the middle and low class Solomon Islanders on the ease to accessing financial capital.
Forum president Charles Dausabea, said the bank’s provision for ease of finance to help citizens must be applauded.
He said its good to see more and more indigenous Solomon Islanders having access to finance through the bank to help their businesses and or development undertakings.
“Out of all our critics, we support the government to take the bold move in bringing POB in the country which helps many Solomon islanders. This is the only move we support the Caretaker government for,” Dausabea said.
He said Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (SINPF) must also be applauded for supporting members with their pledge.
Dausabea said this is the kind of investment NPF should make in term deposits and not like what had happened with the Tavanipupu investment.
He called on the NPF board and management to continue to support members in this manner which will benefit members who seek to make positive developments and changes to their business undertakings.
He said without POB, Solomon Islanders would not be able to have easy access to the financial capital they desperately need.