About 35 intending candidates that will contest in the coming elections have signed the Election Integrity Pledge organized by Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI).
In a statement TSI said the first 14 candidates that signed the pledge are from the National Transformation Party of Solomon Islands (NTPSI).
“Last Sunday we have witnessed another 20 candidates from the Solomon Islands People First Party (SIPFP) signed the pledge.”
TSI received another commitment from the provinces where one of the intending candidates had signed the pledge.
Witnessing the signing of the pledge last Sunday were Benjamin Afuga of Forum Solomon Islands International (FSIII), Lily Chekena- Development Services Exchange and Daniel Fenua, Executive Officer TSI and more than hundred members of the public and supporters of SIPFP.
The Election Integrity Pledge is part of the overall effort undertaken by TSI to counter the abuse of entrusted political power and the undue influence of money and private interests in politics.
The Pledge is a promise that candidates contesting the coming election will abide by when conducting their campaigns and when they become Members of Parliament.
“It is interesting to see that the SIPFP has developed their own Party Candidates Integrity Pledge that is binding, and fleshed out similar principles that TSI would like to see instill in leaders,” the TSI Executive Officer said.
This shows the seriousness that the party has in instilling high integrity amongst SIPFP intending candidates. What they did is extraordinary and something that should be seen in leaders wanting to lead this country, Mr Fenua added.
Mr Fenua said that Integrity is a value, and leaders should not wait for the law to come and regulate that value, a simple fact where TSI believes in.
In essence TSI want to encourage our candidates and if elected to demonstrate strong commitment to ethical standards in public life and to promote good governance.
Corruption in the political systems has fundamentally undermined all other anti-corruption efforts which aim at readdressing it at the political level, and have taken away all the trust, as well as our resources in a very unsustainable way.
It is voluntary and requires self-regulatory. TSI and members of the public will be the eyes and ears in monitoring the candidates who have signed the pledge.
TSI would like to call upon other intending candidates that who is interested to sign to contact TSI.
TSI will publish the names of the candidates who have signed the pledge in the coming weeks.
The Election Integrity Pledge is part of TSI Clean Election Campaign 2014.
TSI would like to thank UNDP for the support in the Clean Election Campaign 2014.
The intending candidates that are willing to sign can contact TSI on phone 28319 or mobile number 7671854.