COMMUNITIES that depend much on Fiu-Kelakwai feeder road in central Kwaraáe Malaita are not happy with current road conditions in the area.
Speaking to Solomon Star a school principal and chairman of Fiu community John Mark Male in central Kwaraáe said the Fiu-Kelakwai feeder road is used heavily by communities at Fiu and Asian Pacific Sustainable Development Rural training Centre, so they need agent repairs to allow reliable transport services to that area.
He said Fiu –Kelakwai area is home to some important educational institutions such as APSD RTC and church of Melanesian centre at Fiu.
“We want the government to quickly address the road situation at Fiu-Kelakwai area to allow transport services to flow smoothly.” John Mark Male said.
Solomon Star understand the Fiu- Kelakwai road maintenance contract was granted to a local contractor at Fiu village under community based labour program to carry out road maintenance and repair at Fiu-Kelakwai feeder road.
A visit to Fiu Kelakwai road early yesterday showed the roads are on their worst ever and have denied buses or even RAV 4s from traveling there.
Most roads in Malaita province are deteriorating.
iIn Auki