THE Office Malaita Provincial Assembly Speaker has received a notice on the motion of no confidence against the Premier of Malaita, Daniel Suidani.
According to the notice as pursuance to the Standing Orders 107, following a Motion of No Confidence against the Premier, the notice is being served seven (7) clear days starting yesterday, the Speaker said.
Therefore, the Full Assembly Meeting will convene next Wednesday to debate the Motion of No Confidence accordingly.
The notice stated, this notice is issued for the general information with due respect pursuance to S.O. 107 of the Provincial Assembly.
As of yesterday, the MARA government only have 11 members while the opposition have 19 members. The other two members are still sitting on the fence.
The Speaker of the Malaita Provincial Assembly, Ronnie J Butala has called on the Malaita people if they want to pray for their government, “now is the right time for them to pray for their leader.”
Newsroom, Honiara