Retired seafarer and captain Elijah Mouku says the time to act on making sure all seafarers are qualified on basic safety certificate must be seriously considered.
He said in support of the Solomon Island maritime division’s call on taking tough measures against seafarers who are working in inter-island vessels without any marine basic safety certificate (MBSC).
Whilst the call was necessary and timely it must be effectively done, said captain Mouku who now runs Sol safety consultancy and training services for seafarers.
“I raise my hand in salute to a long running decision that has probably finally found its way to the transparency horizon, with no clouds to hide the brightness of the sun rise.”
Mouku said the issue has been a long overdue one and would like to see it being carried as stated.
“I understand in 2001, all shipping companies were issued with a warning that by June 6th 2006, all employed seafarers, must have at least a basic safety certificate.
“Months, and again years later I personally interviewed vessels/ships and found that, sixty percent to ninety-nine percent of crews do not have any means of certification at all.
“What happened? It is now 2014,” he questioned.
Mouku said it’s now time to act.
He noted the upcoming national general elections and Christmas period as high peak time for the public to travel and urges SIMSA to make drastic change now.
“When the whistle blows, it is elimination time; give time and you will be eliminated, is the policy of any game.
“The spectators understand the game so they make comments because their team is giving in,” he said.
He added wishing to thank the director and staff of SIMSA for their efforts in trying so hard to establish safety measures for the travelling public despite pressures from politics, one talks, who-you-knows.
Relatives and ship owners that are hindering the administration of SIMSA should refrain and starts comply with the rightful procedures.
“Thank you once again principal shipping officer, Capt. Kendal Boso for taking the big step, there can never be a better time but now.
“Do it before it happens and let Solomon Islands be a free mass loss of lives at sea.”
By Bradford Theonomi