Dear Editor – During the Christmas break, I was in my village and it was very interesting and funny to see people going crazy about the goods delivered by a Member of Parliament.
I will not dwell on this particular member, because all MPs in this country are under the same spell.
Millions of dollars were given to MPs in the name of constituents. What is very sad is most MPs only give to their voters.
In my village, most villagers were spectators of this giveaway from MPs. I asked why the other families did not receive anything, and the answer was, they did not vote for this MP.
What? I asked, and then explained to people that the money the MP used to buy the goods belong to ALL constituents and NOT HIS VOTERS ONLY.
This needs to be made clear and if necessary be actionated and regulations imposed to avoid this unfair exercise. Better still, remove funding and everything from MPs and allow them to be law makers which is the sole responsibility they are voted in to do and not financial controllers and goods distributors.
This is a sad fact that needs to be looked into by the DCC government and remedied.
Alfred Ala
Central Kwara’ae