Some people asked the media to publish their request asking Members of Parliament (MPs) to join social media, as a means of strengthening their relationship with the people they represents.
Speaking to this paper, a concerned citizen commended the likes of West Makira MP Derrick Manuari and Jimmy Lusibaea for their membership in the Forum International, a popular facebook wall that actively participated in discussions of national issues.
The concerned man stated that social media is a place that gains popularity around the globe today in terms of connecting people to discuss issues of interest that affects their lives.
He added that communication technology has advanced to make life easier for the people, seeing that face book is the common venue, which is more convenient for our national leaders to get in touch with the people.
He further stated that FB forums such as the Forum International that is under control of FSII is a good example of a public arena, linking Solomon Islanders everywhere to mutually discuss and find alternative solutions to controversial issues affecting the country.
“Seeing that MPs are frontline leaders to the people it is very important for them to join the Forum International FB group, where thousands of educated Solomon Islanders living here and abroad could share good advices to contribute to development of this nation,” he said.
He added on by saying that Manuari’s contributions in the FB forum on issues of interest to the people are highly appreciated and the nation salutes him for his humility.
“I hope majority MPs are joining the FB forums so that people they represented could enlighten them on their performance,” he said.
“Now some groups and constituencies have create their own forum for public debate over issues of development in their region, province and the nation in general, is something that our MPs must recognise and be part of this, in order for the people to trust our leadership to push development forward,” he further stated.
He continue by saying that social media has a disadvantage of exposing national leaders to ignorant people, but that could be control by administrators of forum sites, whom we trust and respect to ensure discussions are healthy, constructive and progressive.
“The manner of respect is what we expected our forum administrators to uphold as a fundamental principle guiding debates on controversial issues, it might boils hot sometimes but we keep it healthy,” he finally stated.
Its understood in other overseas countries national leaders who have also jointed facebook and twitter as well.