Assessment on the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) Preferred Supplier Arrangement (PSA) public tenders for the supply of goods to the government through the 50 constituency is currently underway.
This was after a public tender advertisement was put out by MRD in the local media on 23rd January until 2pm on 9th February 2023 where it officially closed.
Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) of MRD is assessing the tender submissions.
Total of 68 companies submitted their bids. This was recorded and publicly announced during the public opening of tenders by the Central Tender Board (CTB) Chairman McKinnie Dentana who is also the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance & Treasury (MoFT).
The public opening of tenders was held at the MoFT leaf hut last Thursday.
Assessment/evaluation of all submissions is underway and would take up to two or three weeks.
This important evaluation activity is conducted by MRD TEC team under the technical guidance of the ministry’s Deputy Secretary Technical (DST) Hugo Hebala who is also the chairman of TEC.
The TEC team comprised of key technical staff and rep from the ministry’s Accounts Unit.

The TEC Chairman Mr Hebala explained that the evaluation process is necessary to make sure bidders meet minimum requirements as prescribed under the PSA tender obligation and the Section VI, Schedule of Requirements.
He said the evaluation process is an important task as it will include site assessment & verification and price evaluation.
“Report of the assessment will be submitted to the Ministerial Tender Board (MTB) for endorsement before it is submitted to CTB for final endorsement and approval.
“MTB is chaired by Permanent Secretary of MRD Dr Samson Viulu and all Head of Divisions (HODs) as members.
“CTB is the awarding board to award contracts to successful bidders. This usually happen after all the processes are completed. PSA contracts are prepared by MRD. PS MOFT (Chairman CTB), PS MRD (Chairman MTB) and the Supplier (s) are signatories of granted contracts,” Mr Hebala explained.
PSA contracts valid for one year (12 month) with prices under the contracts remain fixed for that period.