Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MALS) Munda office will host a mini agriculture show next month in Munda.
The mini agriculture show aims to bring together all farmers around Roviana, Rendova, Munda and Noroto showcase their agricultural products.
Agriculture officer in Munda Rueben Alepio told the Solomon Star in Munda over the weekend that the mini agriculture show will coincide with the world food day (WFD).
“We know that world food day next month would be on 14 to 16 October and we in Munda would host a mini agriculture show because we unable to attend the Honiara show.
“We plan to organise this event to bring together all farmers around Munda and our partners to showcase agricultural crops that farmers are planting in their gardens and farms,” Mr Alepio said.
Preparation and arrangements are underway for the event.
“We have informed all our farmers and partners around Mundato start preparing and attend this show.”
Last week Munda was packed because of the presence of more than 2000 dorcas ladies who have attended the Adventist women’s ministry gathering.
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Some of the flowers being displayed during a big gathering in Munda over the weekend.
Some of the farmers around Rendova, Roviana and Munda showcasing their agriculture crops in Munda markets.
SDA Dorcas ladies walk around munda market on Friday.