THE Makira-Ulawa Catholic Community in Honiara has celebrated the Closing of the Year of Laity on Sunday 21st of November 2021, at Holy Cross Cathedral.
Thousands of Catholic believers from the province showed their appreciation to join in the combined celebration with the three diocesan.
They began their celebration with the Holy mass at 9am and ended up with their entertainment at 5pm in the evening.
The main celebrant was Fr John Calvin followed by the choir groups Rokera and Buma parish.
The diocese of Auki, diocese of Gizo Western provinces and the diocese of Honiara were gathered together at Holy Cross Cathedral and celebrated the Closing of the Year of Laity.
The diocese of Auki took up the choir for the mass celebration at 9am.
The Year of Laity had been served for three years in Solomon Islands and will continue next 2022.
It begun in 2019 and ends in the 21st of November 2021.
The Theme of the 2021 Year of Laity was Sent For Services.
In 2020, they celebrated with a Theme, Formed and in 2019 they also celebrate with the Theme, Holy.
“To begin our Christian life, first we must Holy or Baptized,” said Deacon Vincent Anea.
He adds and he said, to begin our Christian life, we must first baptized to be Holly, Christian life was Formed and if we matured with the Christian life, we Sent for Services.
The Theme for 2022 Year of Laity will be ‘the Salt and Light’.
Deacon Vincent said, foods without Salt will tasteless and if we add some salt, we can enjoy our meal for the day.
“My brothers and sisters in Christ, we will enjoy our life if we are Holy,” said Deacon Vincent.
He said, Baptism will make us Holy, Christian life will Form within us and we will sent out and preach the good news for the whole world.
“Our life will fill with light of the world and there we will enjoy our life with our loving father God above all,” he added.
SINU Journalism Student