SOLOMON Island Museum (SIM) will celebrate its International day tomorrow at National Art Gallery ground.
Preparations and setting of olden day’s photos and black birding will be highlight at the venue.
Speaking to Solomon Star on Tuesday museum staff Patricia George said this year’s international day is well organised and will be an outstanding one.
“We have fully prepared for the day to display all our photos and artefacts in the museum,” she said.
“We wanted the general public in Honiara and the expatriate community to know our old artefacts and history,” she said.
She added one of the main highlights of tomorrow’s show will be the display of photos that will feature the blackbirding days.
“During this international day we would showcase all history and old photos in the museum for the general public to come and learn about our history ,’’she said.
Meanwhil,e Mrs George urged everyone in Honiara to come down at the Art Gallery and be part of the day.
“I urge everyone in Honiara to bring children and students who want to know about history of this country and see some old photos that speak of our history.”