Indeed, I am grateful. National Referral Hospital (NRH) has kindly conditioned my liver throughout six months of admittance. I was diagnosed with Cirrhosis Hepatitis B and what doctors in their profession say is that my liver is infected, and ailing. Besides, seeing I shall be referred overseas, surely it means NRH only do what it can to keep my body condition for my liver, due to NRH lack of competent treatment, technology, or working capital. Therefore, I wish to make a few commentaries as an NRH patient.
In my predicament, emergency, and liver condition, I continuously have optimism in our doctors to remain in NRH admission (under complication in due course) until my big brother, Mr. Churchill, with certain consideration, organize my overseas referral to a liver health center. By then, fortunately, I shall be looking forward to Saint Vincent Hospital in Australia, or to Rela Hospital in India, but I will seize the first chance opportunity.
Nowadays, being a NRH patient, I can rightly say I experience what life is like to live in NRH condition. For NRH, obviously, I have issues and aspiration to propagate publicly, of course, I am hoping that by making commentaries for our sake, and while I am still admitting in NRH, we could speed up my referral overseas, given that only a figment of NRH own funds is budgeted for advance technology competent treatment for NRH patients overseas referral.
So, as far as I know, there are two pressing issues I believe impact NRH patients in admission. In addition, those issues highlighted, get positive feedback, and recommended resolutions aimed at dealing with the said issues. Specifically, in a more conducive consideration to NRH and its doctors, of course, and to NRH patients and their condition in NRH admission wards.
Please understand that admission in NRH is serious. Therefore, in any encounter to sick patients, be caution. This is because in NRH, people are sick and dying, even adults can cry like hopeless child! Moreover, like the global pandemic unfortunate condition, majority of patients are being overcome by sickness, and will be cleaned up by nurses afterward, in preparation for admission to the morgue. For this reason, NRH reality is clear enough, and this is the main reason why I highlighted our two pressing issues.
One, it is a common feat that various groups and individuals were allowed into NRH wards to preach, pray (speaking in tongues etc.) usage of foreign languages, and singing as though they are a live concert on stage! I am not against this kind of program and activity that is allowed in NRH wards, in fact there are crowds outside the public – those needs to be preached to, churches for praying, speaking in tongues, usage of foreign languages, and there are many religious programs too that are in need of live singing groups.
In NRH, the daily work of doctors and nurses, and their sick patients, in my perspective, is a fellowship and worship of God, our Creator. Remember our body is the image of God. Please disturb not the body when in rest or reinstate.
Thus, I urge NRH administrators to make an awareness program of its chaplaincy and religious institute matters. For instance, my dad, Father Henry Teho, is an Anglican priest, once he introduced his fellow colleague priest of ACOM and hospital chaplaincy at my bedside. Though, as an NRH patient, I realized then we should have a conference hall in NRH to host multi devotional religious programs in harmony and unity.
For example, all religious groups and individuals should schedule their weekly religious programs at NRH common hall, which is helpful and effective, since all the various parties concerned would not have to repeat their programs in the many NRH wards, and also the sick patients too would be grateful to have a place of worship, a space to pray to God, a spiritual environ or so to speak when they are in NRH admission. In such a condition, I believe, we will have a beneficial recuperation to our NRH condition.
The only conducive program for NRH wards are charitable clubs on important event, for example, the Rotary Club this Christmas, or Australians friends sharing gifts to every patient. They inspire a lively surprise for patients, and as an NRH patient, I am so happy and thankful indeed to have them in NRH wards.
Two, my second issue is about patient needs and wants, and how they access or buy what they need and want in relation to their health discipline. For example, there are foods most patients are restricted to partake, as well as foods that can help them recover and gain their health back. But, access to those types of foods is not available at nearby stores.
Besides, there are local catering services too that can only encourage sick patients to go against their restrictions, and to eat foods best suited to persons who are not normally sick. As a result, it endangers sick patients’ health, but since they have very limited options however, it got even worst, recently, when discontent citizens burned down china town! NRH only access to nearby shops in china town for example traumatically shut down.
Now, as a complication patient in and out of NRH admission, I humbly recommend NRH to construct or allocate one of its buildings as a shopping mall, to render access service to their patient to purchase what they need. I believe doctors know more about good food for sick patients too. Actually, this recommendation is for NRH or ORC to venture into the avenue of real business to accumulate funds for their dwindling budget that needed their services, or for NRH patients, instead of waiting for government funding allocations.
For example, to elaborate on what I recommended earlier, consider former police commissioner Frank Short who unwaveringly strives to get overseas referral for NRH patients. I regard, whole-heartedly, that kind of help, as my only hope, since for me, here in NRH, we only sustain my body condition. However, I understand that only overseas hospital can cure my liver or transplant a new liver for me using updated and advanced medication, technology, and working capital.
Thus my humble suggestion highlights this resolution towards our second issue, and that is by establishing a shopping mall that can offer catering service, healthy variety of menu, and because of the fact that NRH Overseas Referral Committee (ORC) lacked budget. For example, Dr. Janella Solomon NRH Medical Superintendent clearly said in her email to my big brother Mr. Churchill that twenty (20) patients on their list are waiting overseas referral to date for 2021 but were unable to go due to lack of funds.
I know NRH is not autonomous so I am suggesting that NRH ought to be autonomous or self-sufficient. Also, Dr. Janella stated they depended entirely on budget given to NRH. Thus, what I kindly suggest is for NRH not to become too dependent on what is given, but to improvise and support their own budget rather than depend entirely on government budget allocation, such as the idea to establish a shopping mall at NRH premises. It is but a simple commendation.
Throughout the six months I have lived, and exit NRH admission, it is a medicating episode of my life, most time I’m positive and hope to refresh my liver, I trust my big brother Mr. Churchill is working to cope up with time – as soon as possible, and as much as he can to get my passport, my visa, and my overseas referral, settled. I understand too for instance his rhetoric that Auckland City Health Board (that is Auckland City Hospital) had declined NRH overseas referral, my access then is my eldest brother Selwyn Palmer who reside in New Zealand. Also, Saint Vincent Hospital in Sydney has Covid-19 restraint and had not confirmed NRH overseas referral, to date. However, Rela Hospital in Tamil, South East India has sent in their paper work and confirmed my overseas referral as soon as we can resolve their USD $70 thousand dollar service fee.
That amount of money can be afforded only through charity funds. In other words, a lot of money exactly seventy thousands of United States dollars, is actually needed to convert the cost of a new liver transplant medication in India! I expect my overseas flight to be confirming early 2022. If it is the colossus cost of liver expense that will be an obstacle to my expectations to take flight for my overseas treatment, then I request my service privilege, since my patience has certain limits when we enter March, 2022. For I must not be delayed, examples, is the fully sponsored late Linta Mabo broadcasted on media by Frank Short, and my pioneer colleague late Price Tepuke who passed away from his hope being delayed too – “liver expense can only be afforded by the fortunate.” I will not assent to liver expense or lack of funds since I have fortune of service and tremendous privilege yet to be utilized.
I shall reactivate my pioneer service legacy and in humble posture, request funding access from my pioneer trainer Councilor Dr. Jalal Mills, my mentor Mr. and Mrs. Don Boykin of Pacific Architecture, my Australian friends Tony Perkins family, USA Consulate Mrs. Keithie Saunders and my pioneer deputize Sir Bruce Saunders family for access to charity funds in my confidence as a declared Bahai who arise for selfless service in 2008, after being well trained as a Home front pioneer. I serve to the extent as a Bahai National Expansion Coordinator in 2010, which we as pioneers at the home front herein kindly are recipients to our service tremendous privilege.
My privilege, indeed, to request Bahai Global Governance for help, and being an NRH patient, I have Bahai service privilege yet to be received. Now, I request it for I have health issue that matter. I shall ask, too, on behalf of my beloved dad, Father Henry Teho or request to Anglican Church of Melanesia Communion for fund access through help, offering, and miracle of Jesus Christ our Lord. Finally yet importantly, I beseeched my Mother Green Ngatonga of her privilege, and blessing, for her father’s sacrifice and contribution towards Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church that through such request to her SDA Church, I hope that her dear Adventist brothers and sisterswill assist and help me through fundraising and collective offering.
Such accessible generosity on behalf of my dad and mom is needed for my overseas referral expense. Also I have been staying with my Elder sister Velma family, President of Relief Society for White River, I assist the branch Presidency with secretarial tasks, so I will ask also LDS Mission for welfare and charity, but my only humble request for fund access include prominent Bahai figures, Anglican priests, SDA pastors, and LDS Missionaries who so influence my youth and service to Bahai, ACOM, SDA, and LDS communities in Solomon Islands. I hope you could service help and access funds for my treatment in March 2022. My referral in India is approved and I hope I get liver treatment overseas.
My time is crucial. I must not be delayed, in the Bahai Faith, Bahaullah state; “Blessed is he who in the prime of his youth and the heyday of his life, will arise to serve the lord of the beginning and the end… the manifestation of such… is greater than the creation of the heavens and of the Earth.” I will be looking forward for my blessing.
I hope you will understand my commentaries.
By Robinson Angikipau
NRH Patient
In Honiara