MORE than 15 passenger truck owners in North Malaita are calling on authorities to repair the North Malaita road.
The 5 kilometer distance road covered the area from Bita’ama to Afufu villages which is now in its worst stage.
In an interview with John Andrew Kiriwho is based in North Malaita yesterday, he said truck owners are renewing their call for maintenance work.
“This is because trucks are swimming like ship on the road,” MrKiridescribed the situation yesterday.
According to Mr Kiri, youths are repairing the roads and are demanding money for their work.
Some of the truck owners are disappointed with the charges which range from $150 to $500.
Vehicle owners are asking the nation and provincial government to step in and resolve the issue before it gets out of hand.
Mr Kiri also added that cocoa and copra farmers are affected by the poor road condition.
“Last week many wet and dry beans of cocoa and copra have been lying along the road because of lack of transport to get them to Auki,” he revealed.
Mr Kiri said that this is a real bad situation and authorities must come down and solve it quickly.
In Auki