Bellona Basketball Association (BBA) now has a new executive who will lead in the development of the sport for the next four years.
This was confirmed by the Solomon Islands National Basketball Development Officer, Moses Kivo who recently returned after a short visit to the province.
The new members are President Mosley Taika, Vice President Douglas Tahea, Secretary Grace Suainiu, Treasurer Rosalyn T. Tuitupu and members , Pricillar Puia, Darley Tesuatai and Eziekiel Ta’ ungabea.
The election of the new office bearers was conducted by the Solomon Islands Basketball federation (SIBF) led by the president, Brian Pongotapu.
The election took place following a successful four days basketball development program held on the island.
The new office bearers will now look after the basketball affairs of the island.
This was another remarkable achievement indeed for SIBF and Renbel province.
“We are very happy that BBA has now been formed and we will work closely with them to help develop basketball on Bellona Island” Kivo added.
SIBF donated two new basketball rings to BBA and made a financial pledge to support the work of the new association.
The pledge was made by SIBF president, Mr. Pongotapu.
Renbel Province is set to host the next Solomon Games in 2016 and according to the new BBA executives the visit by SIBF was very timely.