A NEW hydro project has been proposed for Longu district in the East-Central Guadalcanal region.
This was revealed by the Constituency Development Officer (CDO) Joseph Atkin in an interview on Tuesday.
Mr Atkin said, the proposed hydro project is another development option for the constituency to allow the communities access reliable power energy in East Central Guadalcanal.
He told the Solomon Star that officers from the Ministry of Mines, Energy & Rural Electrification (MMERE) have visited the proposed site for assessment and have been satisfied with the outcome.
The CDO added they would compile a report of their assessment and present it before the parliament to see the possibility of constructing a hydro-project in Longu.
Once operational this would be a major project for them, he said adding this project must be prioritised, since the people in that region of Guadalcanal will be engaging in agriculture and fisheries activities that demands huge power supplies to enable processing machines to be used.
Mr Atkin said, they remain committed to see tangible development happening in the constituency to allow the rural populace engage in economic activities that will boost the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and decentralise development in the country.