NGALIMBIU Community High School (CHS) in North Guadalcanal Constituency held a cultural show, providing a colourful showcase of the country’s rich and diverse cultures.
The daylong event was staged at the school compound Friday, 6th September based on the theme ‘Our Culture our Identity’ and it involved students from the school’s primary and secondary divisions.

It was the first time for the school to host such event, Principal William Simata told Solomon Star on Monday.
“The fine weather last Friday allowed parents, school supporters and the public to come together and enjoy a day filled with fun and cultural entertainment as students and staff from seven provinces attending the school: Guadalcanal, Central Islands, Isabel, Malaita, Makira-Ulawa, Western/Choiseul and Temotu Provinces showcased their cultures through their worn attires and the dances and songs they performed,” Mr Simata said.

In his opening remarks at the event, Principal Simata stated that, “in today’s globalized world, where technology and communication are rapidly bridging gaps between nations, it is more important than ever to hold on to our cultural heritages.
“Our identity is not something to be left behind in the pursuit of development progress. Instead, it should be embraced as a unique strength that enriched the global mixture.
“Our cultures shape our identity by giving us a sense of belonging. It provides us with a framework within which we understand ourselves and others. When we appreciate our cultures, we respect the diversity that exists in our local communities, it teaches culture, and we respect the diversity that exists in our communities.
“It teaches us tolerance, empathy and acceptance, reminding us that though we may have different custom and traditions, we all share the common bond- humanity,” he said.

The cultural performances were judged by a panel and the top performing groups will be awarded prizes during this year’s Children’s Day program on 11 November.
Everyone enjoyed the event and returned home satisfied. For most of the students it was their first time to get dressed in a cultural outfit, let alone perform in front of a large group of people.
Principal Simata thanked all his hardworking staff, students, parents and guardians for their time in planning, supporting and participating in the event.
He said school looks forward for a similar program in the future.
Majority of the students are children of those workers and staff working at GPPOL 1.