NO arrest has been made in relation to the arson incident in East Fataleka which saw the burning down of the entire Onelafa Community High School on Monday night this week.
The Malaita Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Superintendent Leslie Kili told Solomon Star that police have already visited Onelafa School this week to do assessment and investigation into the case has started.
“A team was sent to Onelafa this week to assess the situation and start investigation into the arson incident.”
“The team took photos of the burnt down double storey building and collected information on the arson incident from locals on the matter,” Mr Kili said.

“The matter is now before police investigation and I called on the good people of Onelafa and surrounding communities who may have useful information regarding the arson incident to come forward and assist police to speed up our investigation.”
In the meantime, police treated the arson incident as a crime and not a mistake.
Former Head Teacher of the school Nemuel Olofisau while condemning the arson incident, called on police to arrest those who were responsible and put them behind bars.
Mr Olofisau said there is no room for such criminal activity in East Fataleka.
He also called on chiefs and elders of East Fataleka to work together with police and surrender those who are responsible for the criminal activity.
“Those who carried out the attack on the school have no regard to the future students who attended Onelafa CHS,” Mr Olofisau said.