A Message from RSIPF Commissioner Matthew Varley to the good men of Solomon Islands
Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
It is also White Ribbon Day, which is a movement where men around the world stand up and say “No” to any violence against women and girls.
This is my daughter Laura.
I want to make the world a safer place for her to grow up in.
I want to make the world a safer place and protect all women and girls from living in fear of violence.
Today I say to all good men of Solomon Islands, stand up for what is right and say no to violence against women and girls.
Today, stand up to make your voice heard and say “enough is enough” in Solomon Islands.
Do not watch on silently or tolerate the actions of other men who commit violence. Do not allow it in your family or your community.
Do not allow it on your watch.
No more should our daughters, nieces, wives, sisters, mothers and loved ones have to fear violence at the hands of men.
As a police commissioner and as a father, I say that as good men we can make a difference together.
Join me to say “No more.”