With the new inclusive 3G tower launched at Buma parish in West Kwaio, Malaita province, people within the areas has now do away with writing letters when trying to pass messages to their family members and relatives as in the past.
Buma tower site was launched by Our Telekom on Wednesday infront of a good number of people turning up to witness the historic occasion for the community.
Fr James Angisi the director of the parish said the turn out of the people was really good.
He added with the new inclusive 3G tower the people in the area will now do away with the old fashion of writing letters to pass messages to church members whenever they want.
He said that for more than 100 years since the parish was established in the area, writing letters to pass on message to other church members was what they usually do which is hard work.
The parish church official said with the new service now available to them, it would allow the church to contact members whenever theres an urgent issue the church needs to discuss.
The our Telekom will continue the launching of its 13 towers in malaita today at Gwailiki in Central Kwara’ae,.
In Auki