WELL over 100 staff members of the Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (NPF) went on a retreat on Sunday.
This was part of an organisation wide exercise to conduct its 2 year scheduled SWOT analysis and update NPF’s five year rolling business plan (2014-2019), reports reaching the paper said yesterday.
During the retreat, NPF’s department managers briefed staff on the progress made by departments in achieving targets set out in NPF’s five year business plan.
“It’s an opportunity for NPF to bring all its staff together in one location, to reflect, get staff feedback and more importantly look at the way forward,” said NPF General Manager Tony Makabo.
Department heads also presented a strengths, weakness, opportunity and threat analysis for each department and issues raised were discussed in an open floor session.
“The retreat provides a friendly and open arena for some frank discussion about our organisaton by our staff,” said Makabo.
The information from the retreat will feed into NPF’s five year corporate plan which will be updated and presented to the NPF Board for endorsement.
Achievements highlighted during the retreat include improved human resources, through the recruitment of qualified staff, while upgrades to NPF’s IT infrastructure were also noted, and the development of policies on whistle blowing and fraud.
“As funds from NPF’s members continues to grow, it’s important that NPF as an organisaton develops its capacity, to ensure members’ funds are secured and savings are growing,” said Makabo.
The retreat was organised by NPF’s Human Resources Corporate Services Department.