The National Crime Prevention Department (NCPD) of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF), with the assistance of New Zealand Police (NZP) officers attached to the Solomon Island Policing Support Program (SIPSP), delivered the ‘5-Step Mind Set’ Training program at Seghe and Gizo in Western Province (WP) recently.
The training focused on the National Crime Prevention Strategy and discussed the inner workings of family violence, which took them nine days to deliver the training.
The NZP, working alongside NCPD and Learning and Development (L&D), has developed the training to assist the RSIPF in developing their people.
The greatest asset to the RSIPF are its staff, and ensuring they are armed with the right mindset will ensure they are capable and professional in executing their duties.

Twenty-eight officers who attended the two sessions were trained, including a contingent of four officers from the Correctional Services of Solomon Islands (CSSI) from Gizo Correctional Services.
Sergeant (Sgt) James OPA from the NCPD delivered safety messages to Bekabeka Community High School, focusing around sea safety and the 5 drivers of crime. It was a first of its kind of program for the school.
Teachers and children appreciated the messages. A small gift of soccer balls was provided to the school.
The small community from Simba was also supported by the RSIPF and SIPSP during the visit.
A football league with 12 teams of 18 youths had been recently started; the initiative’s aim was to occupy the youths time through sport.
The league had only two balls to play with; an additional five balls were provided to the president of the league.

The RSIPF is committed to engaging with their communities and acknowledges that crime prevention is a task that is everyone’s responsibility.
The simple fact that the safer and healthier communities are, there will be less crime, less harm, and fewer victims.
‘Stopem Crime Hemi Waka Belong Everiwan Stap Long Solomon Islands’.