Demolition of the old structure that accommodates the Waterfront Night club in Gizo has begun.
In a visit to the site on Saturday, the Solomon Star witnessed that work in removing properties at the site had been conducted by workers of a local construction group.
Police officers who are now executing the High Court Notice of Eviction were visible throughout the process.
They were on the street and remained near the KHY area.
The actual waterfront night club and its structure had been extended.
The Solomon Star understood that lately a Sheriff of the High Court of Solomon Islands was in Gizo to make the final execution.
A dozen or so occupants had been served therefore did also received notices to evict which meant that they must remove themselves immediately.
This same issue had brought public anger some years back after this same Order was issued.
One prominent Western Province leader was sent to custody as a result of the public anger after a march down town to the Premier’s Office at that time.
It was also understood the Land Department in Gizo has issued an Enforcement Notice telling the contractors to stop any demolition work or by carrying out the erection of perimeter in the area.
The Lands Department confirmed it was not served the Eviction notice for it to know that development has been planned to be undertaken as required under the 2018 Planning and Development Act for KHY area concerned is bounded.
There is a Planning and Development Board in WPG as well as a Local Planning Scheme which looks after development in the town said the Department in Gizo that any development within Gizo must abide by this law.
The persons concerned have failed to meet this requirement.
In Gizo