THE recent cyclone Oma has destroyed the Visale Rural Training Centre in North West Guadalcanal.
North West Guadalcanal Solomon Star Stringer John Toki reported the cyclone has blown out several iron roofing of the school office that provides shelter for all the school materials.
Toki said the building cannot withstand the strong wind as a result it damages the roof part of it.
He said the office houses the computers, laptops and other materials funded by the New Zealand and Australian Government Aid.
The school which is being attended by women and is looked after by the Catholica DMI Sisters throughout the Solomon Islands.
Toki said the school is the first to have the Catholic sisters in Solomon Islands including Makira, Malaita, Guadalcanal and central Provinces.
The school also accepts young women from all over the country who have dropped out of their formal education.
The school helps to train up to 60 girls who have not gone through higher education or formal education.
Meanwhile, Principal Sister Anna Ngosana told Toki they really want assistance to help renovate the damages.
Ms Ngosana called on the National Disaster Management Office to also visit them and do some assessment and provide some assistance.
She said currently they have to relocate all the materials to another house whilst awaiting possible renovation of the damages.