WAY forward (2) for State Government that was mentioned in “An Inhouse Critical Analysis: Final Draft of the Federal Constitution” says [quote]:
Way Forward D (2): “It is important that the intention to restructure the country’s government system along the line of federalism as per the new Constitution must be supported by the entire country, not only by some provinces as the case now. This means that our people must again be properly consulted through their respective Provincial Governments on the proposed structures, using the report of the Peer Review Team and the recommendations and observations made by the review. Noting the weaknesses of consultation as a strategy to collect useful information that would help shape government policy in the context of Solomon Islands, it is adviseable that the views of knowledgeable Solomon Islanders, established institutions and organisations are received and analysed in the process. That is one of the weaknesses established in the so-called consultations conducted into this policy. The crucial questions were not asked. Rather, the so-called consultations were actually workshops and awareness on what the designers believed is good for the country”.
Quoted above is recommendation 2 of the OPMC Inhouse Critical Analysis: Final Draft of the Federal Constitution.
Let us breakdown the issues that are mentioned in this recommendation of the Inhouse Critical Analysis:
1. Federalism must be supported by the entire country.
Federalism and Statehood System of Government is not an overnight cry by the people of Solomon Islands. Even before Solomon Islands gained independence in 1978, the Leaders of Western Province wanted more autonomy.
Our records show that in early 1977, the late Hon Geoffrey Beti, Member for Roviana, placed a motion in the Legislative Assembly for the separation of the Western Solomons.
Our records, also, show that Western Breakaway Movement was formed in Munda, New Georgia, in early 1978. The late Hon John Talasasa, Member for Vonavona was behind the break away movement.
Maximum Autonomy for Western Solomons was the spirit behind a motion in the Legislative Assembly (1977) and Western Breakaway Movement (1978).
Consequentially, the desire for statehood in Western Province is even older than Solomon Islands. Western Province supports federalism.
2. Proper Consultations through Provincial Governments
Solomon Islands when it gained independence lacked nation-wide consultations. No referendum was made. No nation-wide consultations were conducted.
As a result, Opposition Leader then, the late Hon Bartholomew Abau Ulufa’alu, thought that Solomon Islands was not ready for Independence in 1978.
Similarly, the Government of Solomon Islands may think that we are not ready for federalism and statehood – lest we forget that we tried with nationhood. We made it. We can also try with statehood.
As a precursor, may be the Government after National General Elections 2024 as a matter of policy may wish to organise a Joint Meeting of the Nine (9) Provincial Assemblies in the country to discuss the matter of Federalism and Statehood in detail.
3. Views of Knowledgeable Solomon Islanders
The Government may think that State Government System is a standing policy that came after the collapse of the country in the tension years of 1998-2000.
The country would not have faced the undesirable effects of ethnic tension had Government listened to the desires for more autonomy by the people of Solomon Islanders.
The views of knowledgeable Solomon Islanders that is presented in the Draft Federal Constitution accommodates the desire of the country for more autonomy.
Federalism and Statehood System of Government is supported by Knowledgeable Solomon Islanders as evidenced in the Draft Constitution.
4. Review of Existing Laws
The current DCGA Government has a standing policy on the review of Provincial Government Act 1997.
At the same time, Minister for Provincial Government announced a Revenue Sharing Bill – the policy of the Revenue Sharing Bill is known only by him.
Whatever legislative reforms that may come it is the view of the majority of the people of Solomon Islands that PGA 1997 Review and Revenue Sharing Bill must not sideline the desire for Federalism and Statehood.
5. Federalism and Statehood
The 2026 Timeframe of the DCGA for Federalism and Statehood come not during the tenure in office of the DCGA Government.
That said, come the formation of a new Government of Solomon Islands in April 2024, the people of Solomon Islands will appreciate it very much if Federalism and Statehood System of Government is adopted, sooner the better.
6. Statehood for Western Solomons
But for Western Solomons, the Western Provincial (Full) Assembly approved during its meeting in the beginning of the year that:
• The State of Western Solomons will be unilaterally declared on the 7th Day of December 2024.
7. Views Expressed
The views expressed in this post are shared views of the Non-Executive Members of the Western Provincial Assembly.
By Hon Rence Sore
Chairman of Non-Executive Members
Western Provincial Assembly