Dear Editor – If I may share a few thoughts on the above topic which appears every day after the CBSI intelligence press conference last week.
Firstly, I concur with few citizens who have expressed their views regarding the way the so-called ‘CBSI intelligence team’ seems to do their work.
Obviously, I believe the work of any intelligence team is to investigate something before it occurs (proactive investigation).
In this case, the investigation carried out by the so-called intelligence team is not proactive (in any sense) because they were trying to find out whether One Link Pacifica (OLP) is a pyramid scheme or not after having knowledge that many ordinary citizens have benefited from the scheme.
I mean, people who received money after investing a few dollars flooded Facebook with thousands of hard cash they received from OLP.
Therefore, since they are far from doing any real intelligence work, the team should be renamed.
The argument is that the so-called intelligence team should be proactive in its investigation work tracking down on money laundering transactions through our banking system.
But the question is, are they detecting any money coming in and out of the country which has a link to any overseas syndicate or organised group?
If they don’t have the capacity to detect money being laundered into SI, then we are prey in our own making.
Take for instance, if an asylum seeker who goes by the name of Jaivet Ealom escapes from Manus detention center and later sneaks into SI and successfully obtains a passport here without being questioned by authorities and now studying in Canada, it gives rise to the fact that huge amounts of money are passing through SI without being detected.
This analogy is backed with the simple reason that the intelligence team is busy investigating domestic issues in which smart individuals started with an aim to raise the standard of ordinary citizens of SI to manage their household commitments and failed real intelligence work.
Finally, I urge the intelligence team to carry out real intelligence work on the widespread information that the government is making a deal with an individual businessman from a village in Beijing for the borrowing of US$100 billion.
Find out who this businessman is working for and where the funding originates from?
Please, investigate the borrowing which the government is contemplating to engage in because who knows, the government may be dealing with a global syndicate mod; the very issues that the so-called intelligence team should be investigating before the money is laundered into SI.
Alec Leubwa