FAMILY Support Centre (FSC) marked the United Nations campaign to end violence against women, known as Orange Day, Tuesday.
Orange falls on August 25th to promote women’s rights and raised awareness on violence against them.
The event was marked with decorations of printed banner and tables displaying pamphlets of family violence at the front gate entry to the office compound.
According to FSC advocator Hendricks Barai, they came out from the office to display beside the road so that public could be aware of the globally recognised the monthly date set for disseminating information against domestic violence.
“As a bright and optimistic colour, orange represents a future free from violence against women and girls, for the united campaign,” he said.
“Orange day call upon activist, government and UN partners to mobilize people and highlight issues relevant to preventing and ending violence against women and girls, not only once a year, but every months,” he added.
The event attracted a lot of attention from the public, including students who stop by to get a glimpse of the decorated banner displayed besides the table of FSC officers that advocated against violence against women.