Widows and orphans at Abukwou community in Central Kwara’ae received gifts from a non- government organization called ‘Hearts of Hope Family’.
The historic occasion was staged on Wednesday in the province.
The Hearts of Hope family organization was founded by Ms Janet Justus Aihari in 2006 in her own home and later in 2010 where it was publicly launched and continued with its programs until now.
On Wednesday the team visited all the widows and orphans and even single mothers of Abukwou community and presented to them some household items to support them.
Speaking during the gathering, founder and director of the organization Ms Aihari said; “Do not think that you are alone and no one cares for you. We are under Gods care, we must commit our lives to God because He is our provider, without him we are nothing.”
Ms Aiharisaid so often these kinds of people were not recognized by the people of our communities or even church leaders.
“So this is my dream to help these kinds of people in our communities.”
She stated that, the communities from Bina in West Kwaio to Ura community in the central Kwara’ae have benefited from the program.
Speaking on behalf of Abukwou women, Rose Aburi thanked the organization for their kind support towards the widows and orphans.
Ms Aburiadded; “We thought we would not receive help from anyone but now things have been provided through thisorganization with the blessings from our almighty God.”
Ms Aihari thanked Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo,Elijah Saelea, Freda Sodden, Drain Aihari and many more individuals for supporting and recognizing the organization in its mission.
In Auki