Dear Editor – I would like thank the government, if its true that scholarship award has been increased from 99 to 400.
We should not deny the rights to education for our young children.
They deserved to be awarded scholarship.
However, its important to be strict in selecting those students who deserved to be awarded the scholarship.
I know that more than 400 students have been left out this year and may not return this year.
It’s a sad story for us indeed.
For that action. I have also blamed the government for the students’ failure.
Because at the beginning of each semester their allowances are slow to arrive and it really affects the students. We all know this.
We should also look at the other side of the coin rather than firing most of the students who are capable.
The students have raised the issue, that because of late allowances, most of the students have missed out on their classes or go to lectures with empty stomach and mentally affected.
The national training committee and the minister responsible should also consider these factors before issuing such an order to terminate most of the students.
They have valid grounds to claim why they have performed badly.
So why not give them a chance.
It’s important for the government to update to date with its allowance payment and the be strict with their policies.
For me, it’s the government which failed our students.
I would not be surprised if allowances for this first semester are not paid on time.
So please government, prove me wrong and pay up the students’ allowances.
Good luck to all our sponsored students this year.
Fraqi Jon Jnr