It was peaceful day for the people of Baegu Asifola Constituency (BAC) in Malaita Province who came out in numbers to elect their leader.
Reports reaching this paper on Wednesday said the voting at the BAC was peaceful and smooth.
Since the voting booth opened in the morning and until its closure at 5pm, there are no reports of any complaints or disturbances, said a Police Officer on duty at Ferasubua polling station.
“The voting here is very peaceful and run smooth,” he added.
He said people of BAC have looked forward for this day, and they came in numbers to cast their ballot papers and returned to their respective villages.
Baegu Asifola constituent Daniel Aba also shared the same sentiment saying, voting at BAC was very quiet and calm.
He said at Ferasubua polling station majority of the voters have placed their votes in the morning with only few turning up in the afternoon to vote.
At the close of the voting yesterday, officials have transported all the ballot boxes back to Auki for counting which starts today.
“What the people are now looking forward is the result,” he said.
The constituency has total of 6508 registered voters and thirteen polling stations. Nine candidates have contested.