TEMOTU Provincial Government and Temotu Pele Constituency signed a historic partnership agreement on Frida y (TPC) in Honiara.
The agreement paves the way for the two parties to work together to implement constituency infrastructure projects.
Temotu Pele MP Duddly Kopu said the most effective way to implement constituency infrastructure projects is through the provincial government.
And he thanked Premier Clay Forau for agreeing to have the partnership agreement in place.
“With the capacity already in place in the provincial government system, I’ve decided to utilize this government system to implement infrastructure projects in my constituency,” Kopu said.
“And I am confident that this partnership will ensure most needed infrastructure developments in Pele Constituency are implemented,” he added.
In response, Premier Forau confirmed that his government is also confident and committed to the partnership agreement signed.
He said his executive is excited about the partnership agreement as it will be the first such agreement in the province, if not the provinces in the country.
“Your initiative to have this partnership agreement is a good one,” Forau tells Kopu.
“I am hopeful that the other two MPs of Temotu Province will take similar actions,” he added.
“The development of Pele Constituency is the development of the province, and the development of the province, means it is a development of the country as a whole.”
The agreement stipulates specific roles of both parties, which was highlighted by the provincial secretary, Alan Agassi, during the ceremony.
Agassi explained that in the project identification, constituency officers will become part of the Provincial Planning and Development Committee (PPDC) who recommend priority projects for inclusion into the provincial budget estimate.
“Such prioritized projects will be captured in the budget which receive funding from government including from constituency,” Agassi said.
“The province’s responsibility in this partnership includes project implementation according to standard processes and procedures and to provide narrative and financial report to Pele Constituency on the project implementation,” he added.
“Now that the partnership agreement has been signed, Temotu Pele Constituency (TPC) Office is working on initial infrastructure projects for implementation.
“These projects include revitalization of Nyalo Fisheries Centre, Implementation of Nyalo to Manuopo road infrastructure and construction of constituency office and warehouse in Manuopo provincial substation.”
Agassi said the partnership agreement is a living document, meaning it can be improved upon mutual agreement by both parties.
“While ultimate intention of the agreement is to concentrate development in Pele Constituency, there is also provision, to consider supporting other provincial priority projects outside Pele for funding from constituency fund.”