RENBEL premier Johnstone Timothy Peseika has called on ousted premier Lence Tango to stop trying to use national institutions and national leaders in a “foolish attempt” to hang on to power.
In a statement, Mr Peseika said he was disturbed by claims Mr Tango made in public meetings he is holding in Renbel that the Prime Minister, his deputy, Provincial Government minister, and the Attorney General are supporting him and his position.
Mr Peseika said:
“The political crisis in the province caused by the collapsed of Mr Tango’s government is over.
“We now have a new provincial government in place and should only be disqualified by a court of law and not by any other national government institution or any political leader.”
Mr Peseika also deplored what he claimed to be arrangements made by Mr Tango to get police officers to accompany him on his meeting tour without going through the proper procedures of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force.
“The crisis in Renbel is an internal issue and it is a national disgrace if national leaders should be dragged in by Mr Tango into what is a Renbel internal political situation,” the premier said.
He said Mr Tango’s reference to national institutions and national leaders are all aimed at childish political intimidation and diverting the attention of the public, particularly that of Renbel from his known broad daylight syphoning of provincial funds and East Rennell proposed mining related funds to finance his bid to contest the upcoming national elections.