THE East Are’are Constituency office has recently written to the Chair of the oversight Committee of its intention to return the allocated Economic Stimulus Package (ESP) of $600K.
The $600K was understood to be allocated to each national Member of Parliament as part of the national government’s initiative to assist constituents to keep the productive sector functioning during the COVID-19 period.
The letter stated that the constituency has welcomed the efforts undertaken by the government to keep the economy afloat during this challenging time, but claimed that the constituency has no ESP program in place to deserve the financial package.
The letter further stated that the $600K was only approved by cabinet and not parliament and therefore East Areare as a constituency does not have the mandate to facilitate such funds.
The letter also highlighted that East Areare Constituency (EAC) is currently implementing its Parliament appropriated and sanctioned RCDF programs under the Ministry of Rural Development.
“On ESP, my office does not have the capacity or the robust process to follow up on its implementation.
“We do not even have the baseline data against which the effective implementation of the funds can be measured. Further, my office was never consulted or asked to be part of any awareness programs for the ESP in our constituency,” the letter adds.
Meanwhile, a list of potential recipients of EAC is also attached to the letter.
The letter was signed by the Member of Parliament for EAC Member, Peter Kenilorea Junior, and was copied to the Auditor General, Accountant General, and the Attorney General.
“Given the foregoing, I intend to return the $600K to your committee immediately to ensure your effective implementation of the ESP program in my constituency through the transparent and robust mechanisms that I understand have already been put in place.”
Meanwhile, this paper understands the East Areare Constituency Office is currently awaiting a response from the chair of ESP oversight committee.
Honiara, Newsroom