Dear Editor – Solomon Airlines is becoming a hopeless national carrier and service provider.
You would be lucky to get hold of them if you call their so-called telephone number 20031.
The thing is they simply don’t pick up that phone no matter how many times you try.
Come on Mr CEO, what the hell is going on under your watch?
Are you in Honiara or somewhere else remotely managing this so-called national carrier?
If you cannot manage simple matters like answering a phone call, I suggest you step out and do other things.
As a customer, when I call 20031, I expect your officers to answer it immediately.
This is not happening, and I wonder whether your office is still functioning at all.
You are not only our national carrier; you are also a service provider.
Service providers take their customer service seriously.
I am surprised Solomon Airlines miserably failed big time in its customer service.
George Bure
White River