Last week of June 1st to the 5th, the School of Education and Humanities at Solomon Islands National University (SINU) has hosted Kim Whitemore an educator from Australia for the purpose of holding a phonics’ workshop on “Training the Trainers” at Panatina Campus, East Honiara.
Mrs Whitmore for the past 10 years worked in the area of literacy; this year she has dedicated the entire year to change the lives of both adults and children in the area of literacy, specifically, phonics.
What was unique about this workshop is that the 28 students chosen to participate were all enrolled in the “Certificate in Education Adult Learners” at SINU.
Under the guidance of the Programme Coordinator, David, Irofo’oa, this is the first time these students have had an opportunity to learn phonics that will allow them to head back out into their communities to teach competency-based skills at both a grassroots’ and community level, including Training Centres, the Police Academy, and Correctional Services, to mention a few key areas.
The workshop was a huge success, with students being taught both the theoretical and applied aspects of phonics, through classroom instruction, mentoring, games, and applied learning.
The week ended with a closing ceremony on Friday, June 5th, during which time Mrs. Whitmore and the 31 students involved, included two SINU lecturers and one classroom teacher were feted for their sense of commitment and accomplishments over the week.
In closing, the Dean, Dr. Joan Nesbitt, asked the students to take back out into their communities, the Ghandian notion of, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”