Dear Editor – In the years 1979-81, I was a lecturer at the Popondetta Agricultural College, in Papua New Guinea. In those years quite a number of students from the Solomon Islands graduated from the PAC and all eventually returned to Honiara at the completion of their courses.
Here is a photo of a female student from Solomon Islands who graduated in 1980. She’s sitting in a minibus waiting to be driven to Girua Airport where she will board her flight. Today, she would be about 65 years of age.
During my time in Papua New Guinea (14 years) I took hundreds of photographs, which I now propose to donate to a museum because they have historical importance. Meanwhile, I am posting my photos on a Facebook group called ‘Taim Bipo’ which features historical photos of Papua New Guinea.
Unfortunately, I am unable to recall the name of this particular student and so I wonder if you might be able to publish my photo in the Solomon Star in the hope that she may see it and respond accordingly.
I hope you will be able to assist in this way and I look forward to hearing from you and perhaps from this former student.
With many thanks.
Denis Murrell,
Macau SAR., China
Email <[email protected]>